首页 > 优化seo知识 > 如何编辑网站的 Title,Keywords,Description ?

很多客户问我们,网页的标题(Title),网页的关键字(Keywords)和 网页的描述(Description)要怎么写?今天我们就来给大家介绍一下:

1. 如何定义:

网页的标题(Title):当前页面的中心句 ,既要简短又要饱含信息,长度通常是50 - 60字符。


网页的描述(Description):当前页面的中心思想 ,精确简明地描述当前页面的内容,长度通常是在120 - 150个字符。


如何编辑网站的 Title,Keywords,Description

2. 如何编辑:

对于Google SEO来说,网页的标题(Title),网页的关键字(Keywords)和 网页的描述(Description)无疑是优化的重点。这三项标签如果写的太少是没有充分利用资源;写的太长容易被看成作弊,在搜索结果中也显示不完整,因此要合理安排标签内容。那么具体要怎么编辑呢?下面我们就来介绍一下:

1)编辑网站的 Title , Keywords, Description 注意事项:


A. 频繁修改可能会导致权重降低,因此网站,尤其新网站,首页 Title,Keywords, Description 一定要打草稿确定好之后,再填写到网站上,以后修改的话也尽量小改。

B. Title与当前页内容相关性要高,不可文不对题,也不要过于宽泛,要精确;

C. Title要包含优化的关键词,但不能堆积,关键词的相关度也要注意,也不要太宽泛;

D. Title要有唯一性,不要和竞争对手重复,要有一定的原创度,谷歌对原创度高的内容会更加青睐,才能在万千标题中脱颖而出

E. Title最前端要写关键词,后面才是修饰词,如果想要把公司名称放在Title里面,建议放在最后,除非是一个知名品牌(品牌有一定的搜索量)


F. Keywords不要选择太泛的大词,不要写在Title和Description和当前页面中中未出现的或者毫无关系的关键词。

G. 网页的Keywords可以根据每个页面的不同有所调整,要精准的,有针对性的填写;

H. 首页的Keywords和产品分类的Keywords适当多写几个,可以写4-6个;


I. 每个网页都需要有一个专属的,独一无二的Title , Keywords, Description,不要众多的网页共用一个Title和Description。

J. Title 和 Description的内容需要在短时间内吸引眼球,因此可以在Title 和 Description中适当加入阿拉伯数字 或者广告词,例如年份、折扣,Free shipping, 明星同款的衣服鞋帽。吸引客户点击。同样 Description也不要和竞争对手重复。

2) 案例讲解:

下面看几组案例, A为修改前,B为修改后,大家对比看下:

1. 家装地板外贸企业网站 Title , Keywords, Description


Title:D&L Hardwood Timber Flooring

Keywords:Hardwood flooring, Timber flooring, Acacia flooring, Teak flooring, D&L Hardwood Flooring

Description:D&L Hardwood Flooring is a hardwood flooring manufacturer from China – dedicated to helping you find the right floor for your unique application.


Title:Hardwood Flooring Wholesale Supplier, Timber flooring, Acacia and Teak Flooring from China

Keywords:Hardwood flooring wholesale, Hardwood flooring supplier, Timber flooring, Acacia flooring, Teak flooring

Description:The Leading Hardwood Timber Flooring Wholesale Supplier and Manufacturer from Foshan in China, supplying a wide range of Wood flooring, Acacia flooring, Teak flooring, Timber flooring, Timber Decking.

2. 外贸软件行业网站 Title , Keywords, Description


Title:Employee Monitoring Software | Computer Monitoring Software

Keywords:Employee Monitoring Software,Computer Monitoring Software

Description:Extensive monitoring softwear, high performance network and employee monitoring software.


Title:Employee Monitoring Software | Computer Monitoring | Surveillance | iMonitorSoft

Keywords:computer monitoring software, employee monitoring software, internet monitoring software, computer surveillance software

Description:Employee monitoring and and Computer Monitoring software, Computer Surveillance and Spy Software for business, educational, government centers. Invisibly tracks computer and internet activities.

3. 外贸LED 灯具网站,LED Linear Lighting 产品分类栏目Title , Keywords, Description


Title:LED Linear Lighting

Keywords:LED Linear Lighting,

Description:LED Linear Lighting for warehouse and workshop.


Title:LED Linear Lighting and Linear Lighting Solutions

Keywords:LED Linear, Linear Lighting, LED Linear Lighting, Linear Lighting Solutions, LED Linear Lighting solutions, Best Quality LED Lighting

Description:Find great deals on LED Linear, Linear Lighting, LED Linear Lighting and Linear Lighting Solutions at affordable prices for warehouse and Workshop.